United Church of Canada GLBTT Regional Consultations

Are you a GLBTT person or ally associated with The United Church of Canada? You are invited to attend a regional gathering to tell your story and voice your thoughts about the attitudes toward homophobia and heterosexism in the United Church today. This consultation has been mandated by the 40th General Council 2009.

CONSULTATIONS:   Montreal (Oct. 15 - English); Montreal (Oct. 16 - French); London (Oct. 22); Winnipeg (Oct. 22); Halifax, NS (Oct. 29); Saskatoon (Oct. 29); Newfoundland (TBA). Events have already been held in Edmonton, Quebec City, Toronto, Rendezvous 2011, Ottawa, and Vancouver.

ONLINE CONSULTATIONS are also available for folks to share their stories and ensure all voices are heard. They will be held on the following dates:  October 17, 9:00 pm EST; October 17, 5:00 pm EST; October 27, 5:00 pm EST; October 27, 9:00 pm EST (Toronto time).

Length of consultations: 2 hours. Select the date you wish to register for, and email that information along with your name and phone number to Jordan Sullivan.

Please note: A minimum of 5 registrations is needed for a consultation to proceed.

ONLINE SURVEY:  If you are unable to join any of the above face-to-face or online consultations, you are welcome to complete the online survey found at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/S8CV8M7 (Survey Closed: Monday, October 31st).

For more information, please contact Jordan Sullivan at jsulliva@united-church.ca or check out the consultation webpage.