Scott Kearns - Music Director

Scott is the one at right wearing the tie. Pictured with him is his wife, Gretta, who also served at West Hill as our inspirational minister, before retiring in May of 2024. One of Scott's gifts is improvisation, providing graceful transitions from one part of a service to the next or offering poignant music in the background throughout the gatherings.
Another of his gifts is composition. As West Hill moved to a more values-based approach, it found that there is a dearth of resources to support this transition. Scott has responded by composing 30 pieces of music, most for community gatherings, but some for special occasions, and he has gathered these in a collection called "The Wonder of Life."
Scott has an M.Div. and is in the middle of a doctoral program in theological studies at York University. When Scott isn't making music or researching theological issues, he's working as a registered social worker at a long-term care facility.

Babette Oliveira - Vocal Director (volunteer)
West Hill is blessed with an abundance of vocal talent and Babette's gift is to help bring out that talent to its fullest capacity. With her own beautiful voice, she mentors and directs the vocal ensemble to provide music and lyrics that speak to the values of West Hill; love, justice, compassion, and hope.
Annie DiPede - Office Manager

Annie joined us at West Hill in 2014 and is the friendly voice you hear answering the phone and the person who keeps things running efficiently. She loves supporting West Hill from behind-the-scenes, while helping people find connection. Reach out to the office anytime!