Drumming with the First Nations Study Group
Thirty-two people from the church, and wider community, gathered in circle in the meeting hall on Monday for a delightful afternoon of drumming lessons. Our instructors, Aqua and Jennie started us off with a traditional smudging ceremony.
Aqua who is a drummer, singer, and songwriter reminded us that in native culture the drumbeat represents the heartbeat of Mother Earth; and, that the women’s hand drum is an instrument of healing. Each of us was provided with a drum which had been made by native youth in Scarborough. All of us soon fell into the rhythm and spirit of each song and soon found ourselves drumming and singing along. Each tune had its own rhythm and tempo and meaningful story or purpose behind it which Aqua and Jennie shared with us.
A highlight for us was in practicing the various throat calls which were remarkably energizing and empowering. A heightened sense of new-found community was felt amongst us in this afternoon of sharing for which we are truly grateful. We look forward to this Sunday’s service when Jennie and Aqua will be again joining and sharing their gifts and experience with us as we honour strong and influential women we have known from many cultures by celebrating International Women’s Day.