Here's to Love - a fundraiser for Bangladeshi Asylum Seekers

Working with refugees is one of the principle tasks West Hill has taken on over the past several decades. Sponsoring refugees, sheltering them, teaching ESL, providing food, supporting them through their transitions. We've done it all. But there is still much to do.

On Saturday, May 7th, we're holding a fundraiser to support Bangladeshi asylum seekers, secular humanists who, because they write about the right to freedom from religion, have been threatened with murder. And many have already died. Others have fled the country or live in hiding. A list of those who have left Bangladesh and resettled has been shared internationally by groups taking responsibility for the murders. 

We have to do what we can do. 

Fortunately, we have friends and one of them, Michael George, will be with us on the 7th of May to help us raise those funds. 

Tickets are by donation and available through Eventbrite. You can purchase them here. If you're not able to come, there is a donation option on the page and we'd appreciate your support. The various ticket prices are simply donation amounts you might be interested in offering. We want you with us, no matter what you can pay. But we also hope you'll give until it feels good. 

Here's Michael singing one of his award-winning songs set to images of those who have been lost in this tragic episode of religious extremism. Let's do what we can to help. See you on the 7th. Door open at 7:30; Concert starts at 8. 


West Hill United