The October 19th election of a new Liberal government with a strong majority indicates that Canadians are looking for change. In international relations in general and Israel/Palestine issues in particular, the change many seek is for a return to actions based on principles of fairness, justice and respect for international law.

We can help achieve the needed change by meeting with our elected representatives and offering the following achievable objectives to help Canada change course.


1.  Adhere to Canadian policies that respect international law

2.  Deny preferential treatment to Israeli settlement products and require goods be properly labelled

3.  Restore Funding to UNRWA


The Justice and Global Issues Team of Toronto Southeast Presbytery would be pleased to work with you and others in your congregation in planning for such a meeting.




Read the entire letter to congregations at:

and the associated AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL public statement of April 12, 2016 at:



George Bartlett, Secretary
Justice & Global Issues Team
Toronto Southeast Presbytery

West Hill United