Women, Let's Dine!

Women, Let’s Dine!

Interested in having some intellectual time with other women in the congregation? Feel the need for a deeper conversation than Sunday coffee allows? Have a desire to get to know other women a little bit better?

For many years, West Hill has had two women’s groups meeting on a regular basis: the Labyrinth walkers who meet in the back parking lot on Tuesday mornings and the Crafty Ladies who gather Tuesday afternoons to work on their crafts together and ultimately raise a ton of money for the church. If you aren’t one of them or quite sure who they are, let me share their secret: they are the women in the congregation who are rich in friendship, connection, well-being, and love. They have fallen in love with being together, the magic elixir for strengthening personal well-being. You can see it on Sundays. They are the people who practically glow.

Not everyone has Tuesdays free, though, and not everyone’s interests turn toward crafts or walking the labyrinth; we know that. And if we could bottle the side effects of their time together, we’d patent it and sell it in the Kiosk! Alas, no tech will brew that sort of potion.

We can do the next best thing, however: provide another opportunity to bring women together during the week to engage around a topic, listen to one another’s stories, or simply come to know one another better. So, we’re starting with a supper gathering on the third Thursday evening of the month before Choir practices. Right now, we’re running with the name, “Women, Let’s Dine!” and our first supper gathering will be May 16th at 5:30 p.m. in the Upper Lounge.

Potlucks are great but they require some coordination, always take time for people to prepare, and often end up with leftovers the group needs to address. With that in mind, we are suggesting you bring your supper with you; if you’ve some to share, you’re welcome to offer it. Don’t stay away if you’ve no time to make something; we’ll manage to fill a plate or two with what we’ve brought individually. We want you to come!

So looking forward to our first meal together in May!

West Hill United