April 16 2023: Here's your hammer
Join Gretta, Scott, Babette, and Don as they invite friends from around the world to join our evolving community.
For the Information of the Reader Margaret (Meg) Wheatley (born 1944) is an American writer, teacher, speaker, and management consultant who works to create organizations and communities worthy of human habitation. She draws from many disciplines: organizational behaviour, chaos theory, living systems science, ancient spiritual traditions, history, sociology, and anthropology. First Reading The siren song of hope is sung with increasing volume these days in a number of events, books and podcasts that promise us more hope. The need to be hopeful rises directly to our growing despair as we recognize the destruction of the planet, peoples, species and the future. This relationship between hope and despair is guaranteed — they’re two sides of the same coin. Buddhist wisdom had warned us for millennia that hope and fear are one emotional state: when what was hoped for fails to materialize, we flip into fear or despair. Motivated by hope, we end up in despair; the greater the hope, the greater the despair. Those who seek hope as their motivation for activism are doomed to suffer this disabling dynamic. Yet I want to honour those who search for hope as people who have not given up or turned away. They want to make a difference, they want to stay involved, and they want to contribute. Their good intention to offer themselves in service lures them into the false promise that, with more hope, they’ll have more energy, focus and conviction that they can stop the destruction and chaos now upon us.