Finding courage

Finding Courage 

Finding courage to face the challenges of daily living not to mention those we face as a community is a big ask. Brene Brown, no stranger to challenges herself, will be the springboard for our way in.  West Hill has big plans and as we embark on the next phase we’re going to take time to strengthen our intentions to live out our values and rise to the challenges that lie ahead. Yes, it’s a lot to ask but together with Scott’s music and singing along with Babette we know we will be encouraged.

Join us and celebrate on this Canada Day Sunday! 


First Reading:

For the information of the Reader-  use as much or as little as you wish: Ted Hughes was an English poet and children's writer. In 1956 he married the American poet Sylvia Plath. Hughes stopped writing poetry almost completely for almost three years following Plath's suicide in 1963 (the couple had separated earlier), but thereafter he published prolifically, often in collaboration with photographers and illustrators, as in Under the North Star (1981). (Goodreads)


The only calibration that counts is how much heart people invest, how much they ignore their fears of being hurt or caught out or humiliated. And the only thing people regret is that they didn't live boldly enough, that they didn't invest enough heart, didn't love enough. Nothing else really counts at all.

Second reading:

For the information of the Reader - use as much or as little as you wish :  Richelle E Goodrich  is a native of Washington State, graduated from Eastern Washington University with bachelor's degrees in Liberal Studies and Math/Science Education. Her quotes have been published in a number of books including the Oxford Philosophy Being Human Course Book, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Christmas in Canada, and in a Revlon magazine ad campaign. She has a strong love of the arts―drama, choir, sketching, painting, literature. This author writes whenever and wherever opportunity presents itself. (Goodreads. )


 Don’t quit. When your latest efforts fail, don’t quit.

When your performance is scoffed and ridiculed, don’t quit.

When you’re told you have no talent, don’t quit.

When you come in dead last, don’t quit.

When it seems an uphill fight to keep going, don’t quit.

When you can’t see any possible way to achieve your goals, don’t quit.

When your last supporter is you alone, don’t quit.

When discouragement and depression seem your constant companion, don’t quit. When you feel like quitting, don’t quit.

Time and time again you will crave relief from the harsh fight of trying to succeed. You will falsely think that quitting will bring peace and reprieve, but alas, only regret and disappointment await the quitter.

Victory means never ever ever quitting.

So don’t quit. Do not quit.

Focused moment

  • There is no “right” path.

    There is no “wrong” way.

    There is only the road you create

    and the choices out of which it appears.

    Stay your heart

    to those things that hold your dignity –

    compassion, love, courage, and strength.

    Walk with these surrounding you.

    They can neither change the course of history

    nor mask the tragedies that befall you,

    but they will cleave your heart

    to your right choosing

    that by every step,

    the roadway you create

    and upon which you travel

    will be fused of trust and forgiveness;

    trust in the inherent goodness

    within every heart you meet

    and forgiveness extended

    to all whose hearts are hardened against you,

    against humanity,

    against the future.

    May the vast heavens above us

    and the unending earth beneath our feet

    stand witness today to this truth:

    before us lies both life and death,

    joy and sorrow.

    May we ever choose

    what lies truest to our hearts

    and in so doing,

    make manifest a path of beauty

    upon which we walk our lives.


    Gretta Vosper

West Hill United