Take a NAP!
Rest, Unplug, Slow Down, Take a Nap.
We live in a fast-paced world that often seems to be only speeding up. Social Media and a 24-hour news cycle have given us greater connection but the connection sometimes becomes so great that it can be overwhelming. We are encouraged to do more, to be active, to work hard play hard. But this creates a system where we are never enough. There is always the pressure to do more, to be more. This creates greater social inequity and devalues people and the land.
In the face of all the busyness, someone has suggested ‘Rest as Resistance’. Tricia Hersey, the self-declared Nap Bishop has started something she calls ‘The Nap Ministry’. Hersey believes that we need to rest, slow down, take a nap. She promotes this not just as a self-care practice but as resistance to the frenetic nature of the world we inhabit. She believes that rest can change the world to one with greater sharing of resources and healthier communities.