Welcome King Julez!

Meet King Julez

Julian Munro a.k.a. King Julez is currently an MDiv student at Emmanuel College, pursuing ordination within The United Church of Canada. They are the present chair of Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble, while also a drag artist, taking form as a drag clown. Julian identifies as non-binary (pronouns - they them); their gender lies outside of the male/female binary that many have been familiar with.
A bit more from Julian,
"Drag, as an art form, is diverse and takes many forms. I first began doing Queen (feminine) drag because that is what people knew, then I morphed into doing King drag (masculine). Once I was engaged with masculine drag, I ended up coming to terms with my transition. Only by acting out presentation and mannerisms in an exaggerated way did I come to know what made me comfortable. Drag is how I found myself and how I connect to my true and authentic being that exists within my soul.
In the last year or two, I have since shifted to doing Clown drag which is what you see now. Clowns have no gender and are silly figures meant to bring fun, laughs, and build bridges between people. I really embody that philosophy. Historically, clowns and jesters were truth-tellers, storytellers, and the ones who poked fun at those in power and highlighted oppressive systems. This, to me, is precisely what ministry entails - we share stories and truths, and we encourage communities based in love and not oppression.
Clowning feels right to me and feels like an authentic expression of my soul. I believe as a minister, my messages and passion will come through when I am most authentically myself (as God has called me to be). King Julez is an artistic expression of my true, called self."

King Julez Invites us to celebrate PIE day

West Hill United