April 29, 2012
Gretta reflects on the 23rd Psalm, the Psalm of Love, re-imagined and adapted. It is offered as wisdom for the journey.
With love as my guide, I shall not want.
It makes of my days a green pasture;
it leads me to ponder still waters;
it restores my soul.
Love offers me paths that bloom with its truths.
Even though I walk through the darkest valleys,
I fear no ill;
for love is with me;
its presence and strength -- they comfort me.
Love lays a table before me
that I might invite and serve my enemies;
it calms the anxiety of my mind
with the sweet oil of the heart;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall flow from me
all the days of my life,
if I but build each one
with the words of love
my whole life long.