Christmas in the Neighbourhood
It's a beautiful time in the city! Lights are twinkling and festivities are scheduled. We're getting excited.
But we're also getting ready to help those in our city for whom Christmas can be a trying time financially. We gather food, gifts, and money to fill twelve hampers in cooperation with Scarborough Healthy Communities. If you are able to contribute, here's how to do so:
We are collecting the following food items:
beef stew
kraft dinner
peanut butter
pork and beans
pancake mix
baby formula
powdered milk
vegetarian chili
spaghetti & sauce
canned meat and fush
canned cranberry sauce
canned fruit & vegetables
coffee, tea, and hot chocolate
seasonal candy
You can choose an angel in the lobby with the name and age of a child on it and bring an unwrapped, new gift appropriate for that age to the church on the 14th of December.
You can make a donation to the Christmas Hamper program. Special envelopes are available at the church.
You are more than welcome to help distribute the hampers during the week after our collection!