Aid For Ukraine - Mission Minute
In 1968, when the United Church of Canada developed a new creed, members were called, “to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil.” Today we can love and serve others by helping those who are trying to survive the attack on Ukraine.
The United Church is a member of the ACT Alliance, an alliance of 137 churches in 127 countries around the world working to seek justice and resist evil. Alliance member Hungarian Church Aid (HCA) is currently working at the Hungary-Ukraine border to help provide shelter, clean water, food and medical aid to refugees fleeing the violence in their own country. Donations to the United Church Mission and Service Emergency Relief Fund for Ukraine help both HCA and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank with relief work in the area. 85% of money donated to the fund will go directly to Ukrainian relief while the other 15% goes to other needed relief efforts around the world.
To donate directly to United Church Mission and Service Emergency Relief:
On-line –
Phone - 1-800-268-3781
Mail – Mission and Service, United Church of Canada
3250 Bloor St. West, Suite 200, Toronto ON M8X 2Y4