July 17th 2022: Meaning, Music, and Me (you)
Wth Scott Kearns
Watch Here: Meaning, Music, and Me (you)
You do not have this particular disc in your collection. Only two copies exist; one is soaring through the cosmos aboard Voyager 1, the other on Voyager 2. The discs contain greetings in 60 earth languages and important technical information for whoever out there may someday find the discs. But to depict who we are as human beings, what we’re like, what is important to us, the discs also contain music – songs and tunes from diverse cultures and historical eras. The cover of this gold-plated copper CD is actually a “key” to unlock the recordings. This Sunday we’ll use several keys (here on earth) to explore what music means to us with a focus on how a particular genre or specific song – the tune and/or the lyrics - can inspire, delight, challenge, comfort, enlighten, renew, remind, upset, inform, restore, and motivate us. This also gives Babette and Donna a chance to present a number of songs we have not been able to use since the pandemic - many thanks to Babette for the library of songs we were able to record and use for almost two years. This will be a refresher for many of you and an introduction for others, leaving all of us more familiar with these songs that highlight the values we choose as guides for living compassionately and respectfully with self, others, and the planet. As well, you are invited to think of a song or piece of music that has had a particular effect in your life, past or present, and mention it during a section of our sharing time.